On September 20, 2012 by Bobby Blakey

I have a prayer.

It is not just a dream. A dream means at some point you will have to wake up and face reality.

It is more than a wish that I am throwing out here on the internet.

I have a prayer for God to revive America.

This may seem like a grandiose request to the weak faith of our current generation but let us not forget the facts.

This is a prayer request God has answered in the past. 

There was a Great Awakening in the 1700’s that initially influenced our nation.  More recently, there was the Jesus Movement in the 1970’s right here in Southern California.  During this time, my dad got saved.  This greatly influenced me.

To clarify, revival is a mighty work of God among his people.  He causes Christians to really live like they have been made new in Jesus.  Many others are saved as a result.  It is a time when all of us who claim the name of Christ actually do what Jesus told us to:


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, to the end of the earth.”  ~ Acts 1:8

The disciples were supposed to be Jesus’ witnesses there in Jerusalem.  They were supposed to tell everyone what they had seen. Sure enough they preached the word that Jesus had died on the cross, but rose from the dead three days later and they had seen him alive!  A massive revival spread through the city and thousands were saved!

Now here we are 2,000 years later.  I am writing this on the other side of the planet, the ends of the earth from Jerusalem.  And what Jesus expects from us today is the same as it was for his disciples then.  He wants us to witness.  He wants us to tell others what we have seen and heard.  What if we actually did this?  Would we see a revival of thousands getting saved today?

In the church we call this evangelism.  It means to preach the good news.  We tell others that Jesus died for their sins and rose again to give them new life.  We show them how he has saved us by living out changed lives.  It is a great idea, but it needs to be more than that.  It needs to be real.

I believe evangelism is two conversations.  The first conversation is my prayer.  It is when I ask God to save someone.  The second conversation is when I tell them the good news of Jesus Christ.  I call them to turn from their sins and put their trust in Jesus as the one who saves.

Throughout my life in the church I have heard much talk of prayer and evangelism.  These are not new ideas.  But I have a new idea for this current generation of Christians.  What if we do them?!

Here is the secret to evangelism: Do it!

Tonight I am starting this blog with the prayer that it will inspire many to evangelize.  I am praying it starts with you.  I am not just praying that you will evangelize once, but that you will live to show and tell others about Jesus.  You will be his witness.

I have a prayer for God to revive America.  And he is listening.

Are you?


  • Laura Smith

    Praying with you and ready to spread the gospel!!

  • Julie Winslow

    Praying! Let the revival continue!

  • The blog looks awesome!

  • Matt Donnowitz

    There is so much time that can be spent in prayer and out evangelizing and yet we let go wasted! Praying that we would actually do them, and would see that the harvest truly is plentiful!

  • Vicki Adamske

    Yes I am ! Thanks for the motivating/encouraging words!

  • Jay Rubin

    Praying daily on this.

  • Jimmy Reed

    So thankful for the 2 guys that approached your dad on Campus at USC that day & for who discipled him… They will be shown one day in heaven all that was impacted that day in their obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So convicting today at Equipped… Thank you for spurring be on Pastor Bobby! Hebrews 10:24 (ESV)
    24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works!

  • Holly Sherman

    So inspired, so convicted. Your passion & enthusiasm is contagious! Thank you for spurring us on PB!

  • Brittany Williams

    Praying i will not just want to evangelize but that i would start living a lifestyle of evangelism. Praying God would save through the people at Compass Bible Church and that He would use me to spark Revival at SC. Thank you for this great reminder and encouragement!

  • John

    Great blog. Praying that I will evangelize like its my last day on the planet. .

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