
On June 1, 2014 by Bobby Blakey

blakey fam hb 01

My name is Bobby Blakey.

My family and I just moved to Huntington Beach.  That’s my wife Christa and our three kids God has been so good to bless us with.  Tyler is 8.  Emma is 5.  And that’s Jack’s 2 year old picture face.

We are blessed to have friends who are moving here too.  We even made some new friends who already live here.  Together our goal is to plant another Compass Bible Church like the one we came from in south Orange County.

Lord willing, our first service will be at 11:00 AM on September 7th at Marina High School.

Until then we want to carry the name of Jesus to everyone in Huntington Beach and let them know why we are here.

Our goal for the month of August is to do Evangelism. Every. Day.

Evangelism is telling people the good news of Jesus.  Jesus is God and yet he humbled himself to be born as a man.  After 33 years of living the perfect life, he died on the cross for our sins.  On the third day, he rose again.  This is the gospel.  If we repent of our sins and put our faith in this Jesus we will be saved!  In him we will die to our old self of sin and rise to newness of life!

There is nothing better than this good news of Jesus.

This is the story of how the story of Jesus will be told here in Huntington Beach.  Keep checking back for regular blog posts on how it is going.

We appreciate your prayers and encouraging comments and pray you will be encouraged to evangelize wherever you are at!

Let’s all pray we will see Jesus save many souls as we wait to see him return to take us home!


12 Responses to “About”

  • I see you updated your about page! I am excited for you and your family to do the Lord’s work at Hunnington Beach this summer and beyond! I’ll be praying for you guys!

  • Nonie Stoecklein

    We are excited to see what God has in store! We will keep praying for you and your staff; and for people to sign up to work with the youth at Compass South! We love you guys!!

    Nonie & Bruno

  • Karie Rodgers

    Dear Pastor Bobby and Christa,

    Our family is so excited that you will be starting a church in HB. This sits close to my heart as I went to Marina High School many years ago. I was thinking about it when you announced it on Saturday night and I thought to myself, who would of thought a church would be at my old high school. I wasn’t saved in high school but did get saved at the age of 28 when I lived in HB. We are praying for your family and though you will be missed abundantly, we know God has big plans for you in Surf City! Praying! The Rodgers Family

  • Lucía Metcalf

    Welcome to the area! The metcalfs are In seal beach!

  • Laura

    Can’t wait to see how Compass HB is going to be used in God’s plan.

  • Taylor Thompson

    Looking forward to seeing the name of Jesus lifted high in HB!

  • Sam Graham

    Praying expectantly!!!

  • Vivian

    I am praying for your family and your team and the exciting work that lies ahead as you take the GOSPEL to Huntington Beach. May the Lord grant you many days of fruitful labor for Him and bless you with lots of gospel crazy folks at CBC-HB!!! Can’t wait to see what the Lord will do through you!!! Blessings, Vivian Turner

  • Our family is praying for you. We will miss you. The people of HB are blessed to have you as their senior pastor.
    God bless you and all you do for His kingdom!
    Sandy Barker & family

  • Andee

    Praying for HB revival!

  • Jeffery San Nicolas

    Hi Pastor Bobby & Christa,

    It is so cool to hear what you’re trying to do in HB. I personal get really discouraged at times when I see the mighty power of Satan’s lies in false religions and the power of people’s skepticism and unbelief. Praise be to God that we have been shown the even greater power of the gospel. It is truly the power of God unto salvation! I realize the sacrifices you’re making to get the gospel to people are nothing to be sneezed at, so I just want to thank you so much for being faithful!


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